Arie Allen Livshin - Curriculum Vitae


Address :

   61 Hahaluts Str.

    Jerusalem 96269



Phone: (Israel)   00-972-54-308-99-99


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PhD in Computer Science with highest honors (Summa cum Laude), 2008    

Institut de recherche et coordination acoustique / musique (IRCAM) and

Université Pierre et Marie Curie - Paris 6 (Sciences et Médecine).
Analysis/Synthesis team.  Supervisor: Professor Xavier Rodet.

Thesis: Automatic Musical Instrument Recognition and Related Topics.
See my "Publications".
This work was supported by the Chateaubriand scholarship by the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs
and by the "ACI Masse de données" project "Music Discover".

External Links: IRCAM , Marie Curie - Paris 6


Master of Science in Computer Science, 2000
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel.  Degree average: 89.6
Thesis: Internet Usability.  Supervisor: Professor Catriel Beeri

See also "Academic Projects".

External links: The Computer Science department, The Hebrew University.


Bachelor of Science in Computer Science with high honors (Magna cum Laude), 1994

The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.  Degree average: 90

See also "Academic Projects".




Internet Entrepreneurship Course, 1999-2000

Given by the Computer Science Department and the Business Administration School of the Hebrew University in collaboration with the BRM Group.

This course teaches the basic tools needed to start a new company for the Digital Economy. 

Click Project for details.

External links: Internet Entrepreneurship CourseBRM Capital.




Chief Technology Officer at VisualBee, 2008-2009

Company develops software for automatic PowerPoint presentation enhancement.

External links:


Freelance Software Engineer at SecureNet, 2001-2002

Developed a complete system for creation and management of LDAP databases.


Software engineer at Proficiency Solutions, 1999

Developed the Collaboration Gateway CAD translation system.

External links: Proficiency Solutions.


Teaching assistant at Computer Science Dept., Hebrew University, 1998-1999

Courses:  "Data structures" (C++), "Data structures" (Java version),

"Introduction to programming" (Java), "Computer Structure" (Assembler).


CEO and Partner at Intervisual, 1996-1998

The company specialized in web site design and E-commerce software development.

See the Go-Out and IISS projects.

External links: Intervisual Israel.


Software engineer at S.T.S  Software, 1994-95

Developed the FIS radar software system, Hub-Plus embedded SNMP management software and the Genesis telephony management software.

External links: Nice (S.T.S. is now integrated into Nice, Ltd.)


Freelance Software Engineer, during 1985-2008

Performed projects for Arad Systems, Topsoft, Telescience, Ort Israel, Compass-Ware, SecureNet, BlueSea Software.

Selected projects: Cobol Expander, Teleformat





Programming Languages:

C++, C#, Java, Matlab 


Embedded Programming:

            Paradigm Locate, Turbo-Debug Remote, Silicon laboratories, Keil, 80186, C8051


CAD Programming:

            SDRC I-Deas API


Technologies and Protocols:

LDAP, HTML, CGI-Bin, PhP, SNMP, Others...


Operating Systems:

            Windows, UNIX (Linux)


Internet Tools:

            HTML – Microsoft FrontPage, DreamWeaver

            Graphics – Adobe Photoshop, Paintshop Pro




Hebrew (mother tongue), English (fluent), Russian (fluent)



Single page version,  Word format

Other Pages:

 Main Page

  Academic Projects

  Industrial Projects



  Musical Background

  Personal Information and Hobbies